Lindsay Dotzlaf

Reimagine Business Mastermind: a 9-month, high-touch coaching experience curated with the more experienced coach in mind

Advanced Certified Coaching Directory

Where Mastery Meets Individuality

The Coaches featured in this directory have earned their Advanced Certification in Coaching Mastery.

Each entry here represents someone who has dedicated time and effort to mastering the craft of coaching – making sure to embrace their unique coaching tools, approach, and voice – AND has passed all requirements to become Master Coach Certified.

They have solidified their process, and spent time understanding the results their clients create while working with them.

If you’re on the hunt for a coach who’s not just good but exceptional, you’re in the right place. These listings are full of coaches with diverse backgrounds, expertise, and qualifications. This is not a “one-size-fits-all” approach, so take your time and find the coach that speaks to your needs and preferences.

When you see someone that piques your curiosity – please reach out to them using the method they have provided.

Feeling inspired? If you’re a coach dreaming of diving deeper and soaring higher, our Advanced Certification in Coaching Mastery might just be your next step. Not only will you elevate your coaching, but you’ll also join this directory of distinguished professionals, showcasing your commitment to excellence in coaching.
Lindsay Dotzlaf Coaching, LLC has no ongoing direct oversight, responsibility, or financial reward when you choose to hire a coach within the directory